Please be aware that registrations are authorised manually so please bare with us if if take a little time. Also there will be gremlins as we have launched the site a little sooner than planned as we do not know when the other site will go.
Please understand that we have put this site together at 'lightening' speed.
Both wickedminx and I are on a steep learning curve
Our web designer has some personal problems at the moment so there are delays on getting 'bugs' reviewed
My thoughts are with the web designer and his family at this time
Please try and be patient, we realy do want this site to be a success for the spanking community
I, for one, am very grateful for your efforts and i am sure others are too.
Well done, not an easy task to set up a site and manage it, I am most grateful along with all the other members
Great to see the old site back up and running. Best wishes to you all.
Yes, thanks for doing the work of setting up this new site. I for one am very grateful you have done so and I have no doubt other members feel the same
Thanks to everyone who has posted nice comments here and messaged privately.
To be clear this site has been set up by a couple of scene members including myself plus my husband. We have all invested financially and a lot of time ( and continue to do so) so that people have somewhere to go when another site goes down. Which it will.
It is early days and with just over 100 members I am pleased with the activity on the forums and people trying to use the chat room which is hit and miss as to whether it’s busy.
However it does not help matters when people write derogatory comments in chat for everyone to see.
Sorry for the moan but it’s a bit disheartening to say the least.
I don't know who's being crappy about it, but I think you've done an amazing job, and thank you!
The chat room is taking a little while to get critical mass, but I'm sure it'll get there.
Wickedminx. I would say that 99% of us are very grateful for all your hard work and investment. I certainly am
It is such a shame that the internet has bred so many "moaning minnies" who sit at home and snipe at anything or anyone.
I hope other true supporters will jump on and add their thanks
Heartily agree with @Mentorforfem comment. We all love to visit sites like this but very few of us would have the initiative or skill to establish one and invest in it.
Chatroom activity will come with time and increased membership, but it is always a joy to be able to chat and connect with others who are relatively local.
It’s easy to be negative but a whole lot more fulfilling to engage in a positive manner and be supportive.
Thank you to all who have worked hard to get this site up and running. I’m sure it will prove a great success as we keep active here.
Onwards and upwards!!