I thought people might find this useful as I am not sure if everyone knows about it. This is a little How-To on Direct Messaging.
When you are logged in go the 'MY PROFILE' drop down in the main navigation
1. Hover on the drop down
2. Choose Messages
3. This will open the NEW MESSAGE widow - enter you subject in 'CONVERSATION TITLE' and in then CONSERVATION MEMBER start to type the name of the person you want to message with @ symbol and all lower case - so for example I am @site_support
4 Type your message and hit send .
4. You will receive a notification if you have any new messages when you login in
Hope this helps - let me know if you need to know more.
Thank you for the guide, but when I try and direct message, I have no box to input the Conversation Member, just conversation title!
Same here ...no box to input the Conversation Member, just conversation title!